passionate partner

6 criteria to help you choose a passionate partner

How do you choose a passionate partner? Pay attention to the buttocks and leg length. Height and leg length are directly related to blood testosterone concentration and sexual activity.

Also, let’s look at the main signs that can be used to determine if a partner is passionate, and points in communication that are worth paying close attention to.

Sexual constitution

Partner passion and sensuality are related to the trochanter index, which determines sexual constitution – the ratio of leg length to height. The average value is between 1.88-2.05 for women and 1.85-2.00 for men. The higher the trochanter index (shorter leg length), the more likely a potential partner is sexually strong.


Trochanter index and leg length are directly related to the influence of sex hormones. During puberty, testosterone is synthesised, under the influence of which the cartilage of the tubular bones is replaced by bone tissue, leading to slower growth.

Low height suggests indirectly the activity of sex hormones, the high sexual potential of the partner. However, the degree of attraction is not based solely on testosterone concentrations, but also on predisposition to a partner, personal sympathy and character traits.

General characteristics of communication

People who feel a strong sense of passion tend to show it in their interactions with the object of lust. They have an undisguised interest in the body and pay attention to the movements of the hands, eyes and body.

There is a predominance of flirting and seduction over “heart-to-heart talk”, pathologically pronounced jealousy, a tendency to focus on internal fantasies, pastime and sexual relations. Physically, the condition is manifested by slight trembling of the hands, dilated pupils, active movements and a rapid heartbeat.

Signs of passionate non-verbal communication

You can tell how much passion a person has by non-verbal communication – body language. A person in love often approaches, tries to touch, and maximises overall body contact. There is some copying of facial expressions, gestures and active gesticulation.

Hobbies, art, work

You should pay attention to a person’s hobbies and the extent to which he or she gives back to them.

Such a partner is characterised by a desire to develop in every field, and acts on the edge of physical and mental capacity for personal growth.

The passionate nature is constantly generating new ideas, bringing new ideas to life.

Zodiac sign

The top five most passionate people in the horoscope are Aries, Leo, Gemini, Sagittarius and Aquarius. People born under these signs are characterised by volcanic passion, a desire for variety, jealousy, easygoing emotions, and a love of sex.

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